Tag: AGM


The Annual General Meeting and Luncheon for the Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives will be held in the Oak Room  at the Lantern, 35 Barnes Road StJohn’s, commencing at 9:30 a.m. Payment of membership fees for 2015-2016 welcomed. (We ask that you fill out a membership renewal form.)

Parking is available onsite. RSVP to the ANLA office.

Luncheon:  12:30 pm – 2 p.m. Cost to members: $15.00   RSVP requiredplease contact the ANLA office by May 24 if you wish to attend the luncheon. Please mention any dietary restrictions.

Menu: Soup, sandwiches and dessert

 Stay tuned for more information about the day`s events.

Attached is a nomination form for the ANLA Board of Directors. Any member of the Association in good standing is eligible to hold office in the Association, with the exception of employees of the Association. Nominations must be signed by the candidate, a nominator and a seconder, all of whom must be members in good standing. Elections will be held at ANLA ’s Annual General Meeting on May 27, 2015.