Month: May 2014

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives will be holding the 2014 AGM at the Rooms on June 20th from 9-4. As part of the proceedings, there will be elections for Executive positions. Please consider standing for this rewarding volunteer role! You may register your nomination by completing the following form and sending it to the ANLA office.  nominations form 2014

The AGM is also an excellent time to renew your membership! Membership_Form

AGENDA for Friday June 20, 2014

9:00 a.m.           Meet and Greet

9:30 a.m.           Welcome to the 2014 AGM: Jenny Seeman

Welcoming Remarks from the Provincial Archivist: Greg Walsh

Introduction of Current Executive: Jenny Seeman

Approval of the Agenda

Approval of Minutes of 2013 AGM

Business arising from the Minutes

President’s Report: Jenny Seeman

Treasurer’s Report: Helen Miller

Committee Reports:

Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee: Jenny Seeman

Education: Theresa Walsh

IT: Jenny Seeman

Social: Nicole Penney

Outreach: Bert Riggs

PDO Report: Mary Ellen Wright

Award Presentation

10:45 a.m.           BREAK

11:15 a.m.           Nominations of the Executive

11:30 a.m.           Archives Around the Province: Presentations/Updates

Other Business

12:30 p.m.           LUNCH

1:30-4:00              Join us as we get creative with a workshop to make our very own pillow top!

What are pillow tops?

Pillow tops are woven with wool on wooden frames and were traditionally crafted by Newfoundland lumber camp workers to be gifted to their wives, girlfriends or mothers. They are sewn onto pillows, used as throws, pot holders or place mats. While there are different methods of making these pillow tops, it always begins with a handmade square wooden frame. Today, ANLA’s own Nicole Penney is one of a handful of people carrying on this tradition and providing detailed instructions through this hands on workshop.

At the end of the afternoon, participants will walk away with their very own pillow top and the knowledge and skills to make more. All materials and tools are provided, but if you want to bring your own yarn, that’s fine too!

To cover the cost of the luncheon and the pillow top workshop, there will be a $25 fee. Please contact the ANLA Office at 726-2867, or email and register so that we know how many people to expect!

There is no charge to attend the business portion of the AGM.

Two workshops in Trinity

Workshop 1

Joining ARC-ANLA: Adding your archival holdings to the provincial database

When: May 29, 2014, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Where: Lester-Garland House, Trinity

Instructor: Mary Ellen Wright, ANLA’s Professional Development and Outreach Officer

This workshop will explore what’s involved in making your archival descriptions available on ANLA’s recently-launched ARC-ANLA on-line database of descriptions. ARC-ANLA is ANLA’s Archival Records Catalogue (ARC), a portal to descriptions of archival records across Newfoundland and Labrador.

The workshop will include:

•       An introductory/refresher course on Rules for Archival Description (RAD), the Canadian archival descriptive standard

•       Hands-on training in how to add archival descriptions to ARC-ANLA

Workshop participants will also learn how to edit their institution’s entry in the associated directory of provincial archival institutions.

Fees:    $25 (Institutions must be ANLA members in order to add descriptions to the database.)

Registration deadline: Participants must register for this course by  May 26, 2014

Workshop 2 

Policies and procedures – What are they and why do you need them?

When: May 30, 2014, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Where: Lester-Garland House, Trinity

Instructor: Mary Ellen Wright, ANLA’s Professional Development and Outreach Officer

Many small institutions get into trouble because decisions about donations, loans, hiring and so on are made on an ad hoc basis. Well-established policies and procedures allow your institution to survive staff changes, funding cuts, board disagreements, disasters and even legal challenges. This workshop will help your institution to evaluate its policies and procedures, if you have them, and to create policies and procedures for your institution if you don’t have them. Topics to be covered include acquisition, appraisal, accessioning, archival arrangement and description, access and preservation.

Fees:    $50 (Institutions must be ANLA members in order to add descriptions to the database.)

Registration deadline: Participants must register for this course by May 26, 2014


Some financial assistance for transportation costs for these workshops is available for members: please contact the ANLA office for more information.