Grant Administration
ANLA’s Guidelines for NADP Grants
What are NADP Grants?
The National Archival Development Program (NADP) is a financial assistance program of Library and Archives Canada (LAC). The NADP provides contribution funding to Canadian archival organizations to increase their capacity to preserve and make accessible archival materials about Canada and Canadians. The Canadian Council of Archives (CCA) is responsible for providing advice to Library and Archives Canada (LAC) on the direction of the program, as well as for the administration of the NADP, including managing the adjudication of applications and the funding process.
How much money is allocated to the province?
Important Notice
With immediate effect, NADP grants will no longer be available due to budget cuts by Library and Archives Canada.
For help with alternative sources of funds, or to raise concerns about the loss of NADP, please contact the ANLA office.
The NADP allocations to provinces are based on a complicated formula which includes the number of member institutions, the extent of holdings, provincial government support, the number of users, and population. Under this formula Newfoundland receives the same level of funding as Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta: for the last few years this amount has been pegged at $83,475.
For on-line copies of the application forms, see the Canadian Council of Archives website:
What can we apply to do?
The national program has five objectives:
- Increase access to Canada’s archival heritage through the national catalogue
- Increase awareness and broaden use of Canada’s archival heritage
- Increase the representation of Aboriginal peoples and under-represented ethno-cultural groups in Canada’s archival heritage
- Increase the capacity of archival networks to undertake strategic and development activities; and
- Increase the capacity of archival institutions to preserve Canada’s archival heritage
Projects must meet at least one of these objectives. Consult the Professional Development and Outreach Officer to see if your idea falls under any of these categories.
Eligible Projects
- Arranging and describing archival materials, converting non-standard descriptions, and making descriptions accessible through the national catalogue
- Promoting greater awareness of the relevance of archival heritage and/or encouraging greater use of archives
- Fostering the inclusion of and access to the archival heritage of Aboriginal peoples and other under-represented ethno-cultural groups, and encouraging the involvement of these groups with archival heritage
- Generating, applying and disseminating information and knowledge on standards, tools, innovative approaches and best practices to enhance the skills and capacities of the archival community to pursue NADP objectives
- Preserving archival records, carrying out assessments of facilities and collections, and /or developing preservation plans, strategies and procedures.
For more specific objectives within this framework, see
Adjudication Process
What is the function of the ANLA Grants Committee?
ANLA adjudicates all CCA grants for Newfoundland and Labrador.
There is a two-tiered adjudication process:
- Adjudication by the ANLA Grants Committee
- CCA adjudication
The ANLA Grants Committee adjudicates applications submitted by institutional members. Although the local committee may recommend acceptance of specific applications, the final decisions remain with the national CCA Grants Committee.
The ANLA Grants Committee will convene to review all applications. Members of the committee whose institutions have submitted grants withdraw during discussions of those applications to ensure an unbiased vote. Scoring criteria have been provided by the national office and may be viewed at There are no appeals to the decisions of the ANLA Grants Committee.
ANLA must forward all original applications to the CCA office . The CCA Grants Administrator may contact member institutions directly to clarify information.
The CCA Grants Committee will review all applications submitted by the provincial and territorial associations applications. The Committee recommends rejection, revision or acceptance of the grant applications. The decisions of the CCA Grants Committee are final.
The cheques are usually mailed in June for projects. Payment for projects under $5000 may be paid in one payment if preferred by the successful applicant. For projects exceeding $5000, CCA will make quarterly payments. The member institution must indicate the starting date for the project and the quarterly payment.
Applicant’s Contribution to Match NADP Funding
All NADP funding must normally be matched by the recipient. The applicant’s contribution may consist of:
- direct financial support for the proposed project. These are monies spent by the archives specifically on the project, usually cash which complements the salary of Project Archivist (such as employer contributions), or monies spent on supplies. Federal monies received under another project cannot be used as matching monies. However, provincial monies, such as the heritage grant or provincially-funded employment grants, may be used as matching funding.
- indirect financial support such as paid staff time and supplies. (This is usually the value assigned supervisory time or clerical support by paid staff).
LAC may pay up to 100% in project costs for projects proposed by organizations managed exclusively by volunteers.
n these cases, the recipients will be expected to demonstrate volunteer investment in the project and in contributing to the sustainability of the organization. Most of our members match the grants through indirect contributions of volunteer hours, typically documented in a log book. Be realistic about the value assigned volunteer time. Do not undervalue it. Refer to the salary ranges which follow.
The applicant’s matching contribution may include contributions made up to twelve months prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for which funding is sought. The applicant’s matching contribution must be essential to the project and fall within the Eligible Expenses of the NADP.
Year of acquisition: Projects involving records acquired less than 3 years prior to application will not be considered.
Restricted records: Projects involving restricted records will not be considered. Although these records may have great archival value, the priority is the arrangement and description of records accessible to the public.
Salaries: Depending on experience, seniority and collective bargaining agreements where applicable, salaries for project archivists at local institutions range from $14.35 to $20 per hour and benefits average 13% to 20%. Remember to calculate employers’ contributions. These may be built into the monies applied for, or used as direct contributions.
Physical processing (re-boxing and re-processing) CCA recommends that the rate for these tasks should be considerably lower than the monies paid for research, arrangement and description. The division of tasks may not be possible in one-person archives; however, larger institutions are encouraged to assign these tasks to junior staff.
Project Description: Provide sufficient detail on your project. The Grants Committees, locally and federally, must adjudicate the written application. They will not be contacting you for clarification of project descriptions. Remember that the CCA Grants Committee is evaluating your application within a national context.
Legal Obligations: The signed grant application is considered a legal contract. Monies must be spent as outlined in the application, unless written permission is obtained from CCA. CCA monies are available only to archives which are open to the public, either by appointment or by scheduled hours. Ensure that your institution can provide public access to its holdings.
What assistance is available to ANLA members in preparing their applications?
The Professional Development and Outreach Officer can assist you in identifying projects and calculating matching contributions. This can be accomplished either during an on-site visit (for members in St. John’s and Mount Pearl), or by phone, fax or e-mail. Allow sufficient time for consultation.