Author: ANLA

ANLA Membership Fees & Categories for 2025-2026

As we approach the upcoming membership renewal season and dig out from all this snow, we wanted to take a moment to update you on some important changes to ANLA’s membership categories and fees, which were approved at our last AGM.

Why ANLA Membership Matters

As an ANLA member, you receive valuable benefits, including:
– Access to training in archival skills and practices through workshops, seminars, and lectures
– Professional advice through consultations (email, phone, and on-site visits)
– Inclusion of your institution’s finding aids in our ARC-ANLA database, connecting researchers to your collections
– Subscription to our members-only email list with updates on workshops, job opportunities, and archival news
Free admission to The Rooms (excluding parking and discounts for events, programs, the gift shop, and the café)

Additionally, membership is a requirement for applying to some provincial government heritage funds.

  • Student/Underemployed/Retired Member – $25/year
  • Individual Member – $35/year
  • Associate Institutional Member – $60/year
    For institutions that are interested in archives or house archival material, primarily community-based, not-for-profit, or volunteer-oriented organizations.
  • Institutional Member – $75/year
    For institutions with three or more full-time staff members expressly employed in archival work.

We appreciate your ongoing support and encourage you to renew your membership to continue enjoying these benefits. If you have any questions or need further information, please reach out to us at or call (709) 726-2867.

ANLA On-Site Office Closure

The ANLA office is closed due to renovations in an adjacent office for the next two weeks. Professional Development Officer Felicia Somolu is still working, and you may get in contact with her via phone or e-mail.

Thank you for your understanding,

Confederation 75 Content Submissions

As part of the Confederation 75 celebrations occurring all over the province this year, ANLA would like to invite you to submit your Confederation content to be highlighted on our website.

If you have completed a Confederation 75 exhibit or have some interesting pieces in your collection, this is a great way to round off the year!

Any digital content is welcome including audio clips, images, video, or pictures of your relevant objects and exhibits. Please submit your content through email before December 6th, 2024, and use the form below to provide us with some information.

To submit content files or to ask any questions, you can reach us at

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please provide where your content is from. Personal collection submissions are also welcome!
How should we contact you?
Tell us a bit about your archive or personal collection.
Tell us about the content you are providing (Location, date, names, provenance, etc.).
Have you sent us the files of your content?
Please send all content files to with the subject line “Confederation 75” before December 6th

Job Opportunity: Professional Development Officer

The Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives (ANLA) invites applications for a permanent part-time position as its Professional Development Officer (PDO). 


ANLA promotes professional standards in procedures and practices and provides outreach to archives, archivists, and individuals committed to the preservation of archival records in the province. ANLA also provides a network for communication among members and represents the archival community of Newfoundland and Labrador in federal and provincial partnerships. 

We acknowledge that the lands on which ANLA and its member institutions are situated are in the ancestral homelands of the Beothuk, who are gone forever, and the traditional territories of the Mi’kmaq, Innu, and Inuit of this province. 

Position description 

ANLA seeks a creative, knowledgeable, and collaborative individual to work under the direction of a volunteer Executive Board. The position will focus on:

  • the planning, design, and delivery of archival education and training programs;
  • providing advisory services to the ANLA Executive, individual and institutional members, and to heritage, historical, and other related organizations; 
  • managing the daily administrative operations of the ANLA office (including updating the website and connecting with members through social media and an email list); 
  • promoting growth of the ANLA membership; 
  • acting as a liaison between ANLA and relevant archival institutions and provincial and federal governments or agencies; 
  • and representing ANLA as directed by the Executive. 

This is a part-time position, 25 hours per week, based in St. John’s, that may be worked as a four-day week or a shorter work day over five. A hybrid arrangement of working at the ANLA office and/or at home is acceptable, in consultation with the Executive. Flexibility is required to accommodate daytime, evening, or weekend workshops, conferences, presentations, or events at which the PDO represents ANLA. Travel related to these duties may also be required, primarily in-province. 

For further details, see Professional Development Officer Job Description


Candidates must be legally entitled to work in Canada. 

Candidates must have a strong working knowledge of digital and physical archival practices and a commitment to educational program delivery. Experience (1-3 years) working in an archive or library, or coursework towards a Master’s degree in archival studies, information/library studies, or history, is required. An equivalent combination of experience and education will be considered. Completion of a Master’s degree is preferred. Knowledge of Newfoundland and Labrador history is desirable. 

Strong interpersonal and communication skills, experience working in a digital office environment, proficiency at project planning, attention to detail, and ability to work in a self-directed, independent job with minimal supervision are essential. A valid driver’s license and own vehicle are assets. Candidate must provide a Criminal Records Screening Certificate. 


$33,800 per year ($26/hr) – $39,000 per year ($30/hr) plus vacation and other benefits 

To apply 

Please submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of three references no later than November 2, 2024, electronically or in writing to: 

Aimee Chaulk, President, ANLA Email:

AGM 2024

Join us for the ANLA Annual General Meeting at The Rooms at 9:00am on Saturday, October 26th!

TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM 9:30am to 9:00am!

The AGM is being held at The Rooms alongside the MANL conference occurring October 25th to 26th. Members can attend the AGM separately for free or join as part of the conference.

Please remember to renew your membership fees for the 2024/2025 season and fill out a nomination form for executives.

Location: The Rooms, 9 Bonaventure Avenue, St. John’s, NL
Bus Routes: 15, 2, and 10 via Bonaventure Avenue and Military Road

Call for Nominations

The Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives is asking for nominations for the executive of our organization.

  • President
  • Vice-president
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • 3 Directors – ANLA directors represent members on the ANLA executive and attend monthly executive meetings in St. John’s (some travel assistance is available, or distance attendance can be arranged.).

Term of office is one year.

Any member of the Association in good standing shall be eligible to hold office in the Association, with the exception of employees of the Association.

Nominations must be signed by the candidate, a nominator and a seconder, all of whom must be members in good standing. Elections will be held at ANLA’s Annual General Meeting on October 26, 2024.

Nominations may be submitted to the ANLA office via email.

Deadline for nominations: October 25th, 2024


Introduction to Metadata

Introduction to Metadata

Date: March 19, 2021,  1-3 p.m.

Instructor: Nicole Penney (Archivist with MUN’s Folklore and Language Archive)

Location: Virtual via Zoom Pro (link provided upon registration

Duration: 2 hours

Cost: $20  payable by cheque or e-transfer


Metadata is data about data. It makes finding and working with data easier, allowing the user to sort or locate specific documents stored on hard drives and flash drives. The creation of metadata is one of the most important aspects of digital management. It allows an item (jpeg, PDF or MP3) to be located on a digital database. Metadata provides contextual information to help researchers decide whether a resource meets their needs.

During this introductory level workshop we’ll explore what exactly metadata is and how it can be used to manage digital archival collections. This workshop will also provide each attendee with the knowledge and resources to compile metadata sets for their digital files. 

For more information or to register, email the ANLA office.  

Registration closes on March  16. 

AGM 2020

We’re Zooming It!!!

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING- Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Annual General Meeting for the Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives will be held via Zoom commencing at 3:00 pm Nfld time/2:30 in most of Labrador. After the meeting, we will hold a sharing session where we discover how member institutions have weathered COVID-19.

Payment of membership fees for 2020-2021 welcomed via e-transfer. (We ask that you fill out a membership renewal form.)

Members may present a report on their activities and plans at the AGM — please tell me if your institution plans to do this. If you have any members or supporters who have died in the last year and you would like them to be spoken of at the AGM, please let us know.


The Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives is asking for nominations for the executive of our organization.





3 Directors – ANLA directors represent members on the ANLA executive and attend monthly executive meetings in St. John’s (some travel assistance is available, or distance attendance can be arranged.).

Term of office is until the next AGM. Any member of the Association in good standing shall be eligible to hold office in the Association, with the exception of employees of the Association.

Nominations must be signed by the candidate, a nominator and a seconder, all of whom must be members in good standing. Elections will be held at ANLA ’s Annual General Meeting on November 26, 2020. Nominations may be sent to the ANLA office.

Deadline for nominations: November 23, 2020. 


I , _______________________________________________________, have accepted the nomination as a Director -at -Large of the Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives. 

Nominee’s signature________________________________

Nominator________________________________________ Seconder_____________________________________

ANLA Physical Office Closed

The ANLA physical office has been closed to the public since March 12 due to a broken elevator at our building, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the building has since been closed altogether. However, our Professional Development Officer/Archives Advisor Mary Ellen is working from home, and you may get in contact with her via phone or e-mail. Please leave a phone message on the ANLA phone line at 709-726-2867 or e-mail if you need to get in touch. Stay safe, everyone!