Notice: Archives advisor out of office Thursday and Friday (Sept. 28/29)
Mary Ellen is attending a 2-day teleconference, so will not be available by phone for the next 2 days. You can still reach her via email!
Mary Ellen is attending a 2-day teleconference, so will not be available by phone for the next 2 days. You can still reach her via email!
Global Preservation Assessments Available
Through a project funded by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Cultural Economic Development Program (CEDP) ANLA has received funds to conduct global preservation assessments for five member institutions.
A global preservation assessment (GPA) is a comprehensive assessment of the impact of activities and facilities on the conservation of holdings. The analysis and recommendations in the final report will provide the foundation for further preservation initiatives. This is a useful document to present to funders and sponsoring institutions: it makes practical recommendations for storage and environmental improvements which can often be implemented at minimal cost.
Under this CEDP-funded project, Global Preservation Assessments will be free of charge.
The initial selection will consist of one institution per ANLA membership region: St. John’s/Avalon, Eastern, Central. Western and Labrador ( as defined by the NL Tourism guide). Criteria will include:
Institutions selected for a GPA will be sent a copy of the preliminary assessment guide form, which must be completed prior to the on-site assessment. The questionnaire must be completed before the conservator’s visit.
If you have never had a GPA done, or if you have not had one done the last 10 years I would strongly advise that you consider taking advantage of this opportunity.
For more information please contact the ANLA office.
From the Canadian Council of Archives:
“The Department of Canadian Heritage is pleased to announce a new investment of $1.4 million in Young Canada Works at Building Careers in Heritage for 2016-2017 in order to fund the creation of additional graduate internships in heritage fields such as archival institutions and libraries.
This new investment will allow the Canadian Council of Archives to fund 18 new internship positions for Canadian archival institutions and 8 new internship positions for Canadian libraries operating in English.”
For more information, visit
The Annual General Meeting and Luncheon for the Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives will be held in the Oak Room at the Lantern, 35 Barnes Road St. John’s, commencing at 9:30 a.m. Payment of membership fees for 2015-2016 welcomed. (We ask that you fill out a membership renewal form.)
Parking is available onsite. RSVP to the ANLA office.
Luncheon: 12:30 pm – 2 p.m. Cost to members: $15.00 RSVP required – please contact the ANLA office by May 24 if you wish to attend the luncheon. Please mention any dietary restrictions.
Menu: Soup, sandwiches and dessert
Stay tuned for more information about the day`s events.
Attached is a nomination form for the ANLA Board of Directors. Any member of the Association in good standing is eligible to hold office in the Association, with the exception of employees of the Association. Nominations must be signed by the candidate, a nominator and a seconder, all of whom must be members in good standing. Elections will be held at ANLA ’s Annual General Meeting on May 27, 2015.
We are moving!
As of April 1 our new home will be 200 Military Road, above the Basilica offices in St. John’s.
Due to a few minor construction issues we will not actually be in our new space until mid-April, but we are still up and running. Contact us via e-mail or leave a message on our machine and we’ll get back to you.
Hoping to see you in our new space!
Hello all!
As we’re coming to the end of our Strategic Planning cycle and about to start another, we thought it was a good time to bring people together for a little celebration. Please join us for a free lunch between 12-2 on March 11 in the City Archives. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the new strategic plan, please bring those with you. (Suggestions may be submitted anonymously). If not, we’ll simply enjoy a little midday break.
Attached is a copy of the last strategic plan, which was for 2010-2015.
We’d like to open this event to everyone working in archives. Feel free to share this invite with your colleagues who may not be ANLA members.
Please RSVP (709) 726- 2867 or
For those of you who can’t make the lunch, we welcome your comments and suggestions by email, mail or telephone.
The Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives presents a 2-day workshop: Copyright for Archives When: March 7-8, 2016
Where: The Rooms Theatre
Instructor: Dr. Jean Dryden.
ANLA presents a two-day workshop providing an overview of the Canadian Copyright Act and related case law of particular relevance to archivists in Newfoundland and Labrador. The first day will provide an intensive overview of how the Canadian copyright law works, with particular attention to its application in the digital environment.
Topics to be covered include: categories of works, ownership and duration of copyright, economic rights of copyright owners, moral rights of authors, users’ rights, international copyright, and how to analyze a copyright problem. The second day will give participants an opportunity to apply what they have learned as they discuss case studies about copyright issues of interest to archivists, including (but not limited to) photographs, digitizing holdings, and orphan works.
Fees: $100 for ANLA members $150 for non-members
Instructor: Jean Dryden’s expertise in copyright has been developed over many years of experience as an archivist. As Chair of the Bureau of Canadian Archivists Copyright Committee, she played a lead role in successful lobbying for exceptions for libraries, archives and museums during the discussions leading to the 1997 amendments to the Copyright Act. Her doctoral dissertation (Toronto, 2008) investigated the copyright practices of Canadian archival repositories in making their holdings available online. From 2008-2011, she taught at the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland, where she was the principal investigator for a comparative research study that examined the copyright practices of American archival repositories and their impact on users. She is the author of Demystifying Copyright: A Researcher’s Guide to Copyright in Canadian Libraries and Archives (2014). She teaches copyright courses for the School of Continuing Studies at the University of Toronto and for the Society of American Archivists. She is currently pursuing a LLM degree, specializing in Intellectual Property, at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
November 17-23 is Archives Week in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador! Join us for a social night on Thursday November 21 at the Sundance bar and grill on George St, St. John’s. Friday, November 22 is ANLA’s 5th annual symposium with the theme of Archives and Community. Be a part of this group of folk dedicated to preserving and maintaining access to our province’s documentary treasures and join us at the Rooms, from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. for a day packed full of insight and delight. Hear discussion from panelists such as Ted Rowe, John Cheeseman, Dale Jarvis, Heather Wareham, Dan Duda and many more! Our keynote speakers are Sandra Clarke (the Dialect Atlas of Newfoundland and Labrador) and David Trainor (giving an artist’s perspective of community informed by archival research). The cost is $25 with lunch included. See you there! A full programme will be available soon.