
WORKSHOP: Products Used for Display, Storage and Transportation

The Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives and the Museum Association of Newfoundland and Labrador

co-sponsored workshop from

The Canadian Conservation Institute

Products Used for Display, Storage and Transportation

Dates: June 19-20, 2019

Instructors: Jean Tétreault and Monique Benoit

Location: Basilica Parish Conference Room, 200 Military Road (next to the Basilica)

Parking is available in the Basilica parking lot. Lunch, nutrition break snacks and beverages provided.

This workshop provides an overview of products commonly used for mounting, displaying and storing museum objects. Products covered include woods, papers, paints, plastics, textiles, etc. The use of silica gel and sorbents is discussed, and spot tests to identify some products are demonstrated. Options to avoid problems related to off-gassing or staining are provided. Participants are invited to bring samples for discussion.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • understand the interactions between products and objects
  • select products that are suitable for use in museums or archives
  • understand the properties of many types of products available on the market
  • verify information or test products for compatibility with objects


  • Principles of interaction between object and products
  • Wood products (including panels, cardboards and papers)
  • Coatings (including paints, varnishes and stains)
  • Textiles
  • Plastics (including sheets, boxes, panels, foams, gaskets, adhesives and sealants)
  • Silica gel and pollutant sorbents
  • Spot tests
  • Internet search

Registration: ANLA/MANL members $180

Non-members: $205

Enrollment limits:  Minimum 10, maximum 25


For more information or to register, contact:

Mary Ellen Wright

Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives

Telephone: 709-726-2867



Call for Nominations


The Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives is asking for nominations for the executive of our organization.

  • President
  • Vice-president
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • 3 Directors – ANLA directors represent members on the ANLA executive and attend monthly executive meetings in St. John’s (some travel assistance is available, or distance attendance can be arranged.).

Term of office is until the next AGM (June 2019).

Any member of the Association in good standing shall be eligible to hold office in the Association, with the exception of employees of the Association.

Nominations must be signed by the candidate, a nominator and a seconder, all of whom must be members in good standing. Elections will be held at ANLA’s Annual General Meeting on June 22, 2018.

Nominations may be submitted to the ANLA office.

Deadline for nominations: June 18, 2018

AGM & Luncheon


June 22, 2018

The Annual General Meeting and Luncheon for the Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives will be held in the Conference Room at The Lantern, 35 Barnes Road, St. John’s commencing at 9:00 a.m. Payment of membership fees for 2018-2019 welcomed. (We ask that you fill out a Membership_Form.)

Parking: Some parking is available on site.  Attending members are encouraged to car pool or use public transport.

Luncheon:  12:30 pm – 2 p.m. Cost to members: $20.00   RSVP requiredplease contact the ANLA office by June 18 if you wish to attend the luncheon. Please mention any dietary restrictions.

Menu: Soup, sandwiches and dessert

Further details to follow!

Cultural Plan Renewal

The province of Newfoundland and Labrador is currently undertaking consultation sessions in various communities on the island and Labrador for the Cultural Plan Renewal, set to be released in Jan 2019.

From each of the completed sessions, we have received meaningful feedback from many groups and individuals.

We are now providing an opportunity to individuals and groups who are unable to travel to participate in a Virtual Cultural Consultation.

The date set for this special session is:

Wednesday, May 23rd

10 am- 12pm

If you are interested, please respond to this email. (

The following will be required to participate in this session:

  • Access to a computer or tablet with high-speed Internet access and speakers
  • A microphone and Webcam are also recommended.

We encourage you to share this message with friends and colleagues, so they too are aware of the opportunity to shape our important cultural plan for the future.

Furthermore, written submissions are accepted until July 15th, 2018.”


Date Location Venue
Monday, Apr 30 St. John’s The Rooms
Tuesday, May 1 Carbonear Ocean View Art Gallery
Monday, May 7 Botwood Flying Boat Museum
Tuesday, May 8 Twillingate Twillingate NWI Dinner Theatre
Wednesday, May 9 Bonavista Garrick Theatre
Thursday, May 10 Marystown St. Gabriel’s Hall
Monday, May 7 Plum Point Plum Point Motel
Tuesday, May 8 Norris Point Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital Museum
Wednesday, May 9 Stephenville Arts and Culture Centre
Thursday, May 10 Corner Brook Rotary Arts Centre
Thursday, May 17 St. John’s Anna Templeton Centre
Wednesday, May 23 Placentia Placentia Arts Centre
Monday, May 28 Labrador City Arts and Culture Centre
Tuesday, May 29 Happy Valley-Goose Bay Them Days Archives

ANLA Board Vacancies

ANLA is looking for 2 directors to sit on its 7-person executive board. Terms of these positions will run until ANLA’s next AGM in June 2018. You must be a member in good standing of the organization and be ready to attend monthly meetings, either in person or via teleconferencing, Skype or other distance method. Meetings are usually held at 5:30 p.m. Newfoundland time, 5 p.m. in Labrador.

Nominations to these positions will be reviewed by the current ANLA board, who are empowered by Section 5-7 of the organization`s by-laws to make appointments as necessary to fill any vacancies that occur between AGMs.

Below is a job description. If you have any further questions please call the ANLA office. This short term appointment is a good opportunity to see if you would be interested in being an ANLA Board member for a longer term!

Director, ANLA Executive Board

 Job purpose: Actively promote ANLA within the heritage community through participation in various ANLA and sister organization activities and events

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Attend all executive, special and general meetings, either in person or via a teleconferencing format
  • Sit on as either a member or chair of at least one ANLA Committee
  • Carry out special projects as assigned by the executive

These duties generally take 2-3 hours per month.

AGM & Luncheon


June 16, 2017

The Annual General Meeting and Luncheon for the Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives will be held at The Lantern, Barnes Road, St. John’s, commencing at 9:00 a.m. Payment of membership fees for 2017-2018 welcomed. (We ask that you fill out a membership renewal form.)

Parking: Please not that parking at The Lantern is limited.  Attending members are encouraged to car pool or use public transport.


What’s on the schedule:


8:30 – 9 a.m.   Coffee

9:30 a.m.  Welcome to the 2017 AGM: Emily Gushue

Introduction of Current Executive

Approval of the Agenda

Approval of Minutes of 2016 AGM

Business arising from the Minutes


  • President’s Report: Emily Gushue
  • Treasurer’s Report: Kayla Burry

Committee Reports:

  • Education: Nicole Penney
  • IT: Aimee Chaulk
  • Outreach: Emily Gushue

PDO Report: Mary Ellen Wright

10:45 a.m.                                                     BREAK

11:15 a.m.                        Nominations of the Executive

11:30 a.m.                        Archives Around the Province: Presentations/Updates

Other Business


Luncheon:  12:30 pm – 2 p.m. Cost to members: $15.00   RSVP required – please contact the ANLA office by June 12 if you wish to attend the luncheon. Please mention any dietary restrictions.

Menu: Soup, sandwiches and dessert

Archives Advisor out of office

Due to some essential electrical work at our office, our Archives Advisor Mary Ellen will be working from home next week. She will be available via email and will be checking phone messages.

She’ll be back in the office after the long weekend!

New Rooms Legislation

Dear ANLA members:

On Wednesday the new version of the Rooms Act received second reading in the House of Assembly. In addition to some housekeeping-type revisions, the bill (Bill 56) revises the structure of The Rooms Corporation of Newfoundland and Labrador, in order to make the structure more flexible, by removing the requirement for separate divisions and directors for the archives, museum and art gallery. You can read the discussion about this in Hansard here…/hansa…/ga48session1/16-12-06.htm .

We contacted the minister’s office on Wednesday for an appointment ASAP, and received an invitation 10 minutes later to a meeting on Thursday morning at 11:45 a.m. Present at the meeting were ANLA president Emily Gushue, Minister Mitchelmore, Deputy Minister Ted Lomand, Assistant Deputy minister Carmella Murphy, Senior Policy & Program Development Specialist Christina Harrington and ANLA’s Archives Advisor, Mary Ellen Wright.

When we asked about the changes to the Act the minister said that this change is in line with the structures of the acts of other crown corporations. He states in various places and stated at yesterday’s meeting that this does not mean any change to the way The Rooms actually operates. We indicated that our concern was with what might be made possible by the changes to the act, especially in terms of a revision of the administrative structure and functions of the three sister institutions.

We outlined our concerns as follows:

1. Lack of consultation: In addition to being a significant repository in its own right, The Rooms Provincial Archives Division is an important and influential member of the provincial archival community. That being the case, decisions about its operation have a province-wide impact and should be explored with the community and its representatives. We expressed particular concern about the apparent lack of consultation with the professional archival community or with archives users.

2. The increasing emphasis on exhibits and public programming, which is evident in the revisions, will come at the cost of such essential archival functions as arrangement, description and preservation. This will be much more likely to happen if archives division functions are merged into an overarching “collections” division, as is already reflected in the organization of the Rooms website. The internal operation of The Rooms must recognise the role of the archives – and of the museum and the art gallery – as stewards and preservers of our provincial cultural heritage rather than simply as purveyors of raw material for public programming events. Exhibits and public programming are essential functions for The Rooms, but they are not, and should not be, its driving functions.

3. Lack of context: There is no indication that there has been any review of possible models or precedents for this reorganization. Examples mentioned in the Hansard debate include the Glenbow Museum, which is privately-endowed, and the Royal British Columbia Museum, whose amalgamation with the British Columbia Archives has been fraught with administrative and operational problems. The provision of examples of the proposed alteration to the operative model is essential.

4. Lack of understanding of the nature of archives: While archives do provide curated versions of some of their holdings from time to time, their principal function is as an information resource – for individuals, communities, museums, art galleries, businesses, artists and government, among many others. They do not hold ‘examples’ of things but offer thousands of metres of unique items which must be catalogued in order to be accessible for any purpose. Any implementation of the newly amended legislation must recognize not just the shared functions of The Rooms institutions but their distinctly different functions.

5. The unwarranted speed and the perception of secrecy of the amendment process are also a concern for us: if these amendments are so reasonable and important why could they not have been explored via stakeholder consultation before the bill entered the House? We suggested that the rapid backlash to the suggestion of revisions to the act indicates a breakdown in important community relationships between The Rooms administration and stakeholder groups.

With all that being said, the atmosphere at the meeting was not negative or adversarial. We indicated that as an association we were proud of the accomplishments of the Rooms and were discussing our concerns as people who want the best of standards for our member organization and provincial archival flagship. We told the minister and his colleagues that we would continue to monitor the situation and to push for stakeholder consultation as we saw fit.

If ANLA members have any comments or concerns about this whole affair, please contact both your MHA and the ANLA office.

Emily Gushue
Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives

Coming Soon: Our 6th Annual Symposium!

The Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives presents our sixth


Elsie Holloway: Documenting a Photographer’s Life

Friday, November 18, 2016, 9 a.m. -4 p.m.

Location: The Rooms Theatre, Bonaventure Avenue, St. John’s

Registration: Free (does not include admission to Rooms exhibits)

Parking Permits available

Elsie Holloway was Newfoundland and Labrador’s first female commercial photographer. Join us as we explore the many aspects of her life – artist, businesswoman, daughter and student – using the resources of our archival community.

Presenters include:

Archivist Sandra Ronayne

Photographer Mannie Bucheit

Librarian and researcher Suzanne Sexty

Geographer Jo Shawyer

Librarian and bibliographer Elizabeth Browne

Writer Jenny Higgins,

Photographer Edith Cuerrier

Folklorist Cynthia Boyd


To register, contact the ANLA office:

Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives

P.O. Box 23155, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J9

Telephone: (709) 726-2867; e-mail:
