AGM 2020

We’re Zooming It!!!

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING- Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Annual General Meeting for the Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives will be held via Zoom commencing at 3:00 pm Nfld time/2:30 in most of Labrador. After the meeting, we will hold a sharing session where we discover how member institutions have weathered COVID-19.

Payment of membership fees for 2020-2021 welcomed via e-transfer. (We ask that you fill out a membership renewal form.)

Members may present a report on their activities and plans at the AGM — please tell me if your institution plans to do this. If you have any members or supporters who have died in the last year and you would like them to be spoken of at the AGM, please let us know.


The Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives is asking for nominations for the executive of our organization.





3 Directors – ANLA directors represent members on the ANLA executive and attend monthly executive meetings in St. John’s (some travel assistance is available, or distance attendance can be arranged.).

Term of office is until the next AGM. Any member of the Association in good standing shall be eligible to hold office in the Association, with the exception of employees of the Association.

Nominations must be signed by the candidate, a nominator and a seconder, all of whom must be members in good standing. Elections will be held at ANLA ’s Annual General Meeting on November 26, 2020. Nominations may be sent to the ANLA office.

Deadline for nominations: November 23, 2020. 


I , _______________________________________________________, have accepted the nomination as a Director -at -Large of the Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives. 

Nominee’s signature________________________________

Nominator________________________________________ Seconder_____________________________________


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